Russians welcome Indonesian coach

What have Alan Budi Kusuma, Ricky Subagja and Saina Nehwal in common ? A former coach in the name of Atik Jahauri. And the 62 Indonesian is about to go […]

What have Alan Budi Kusuma, Ricky Subagja and Saina Nehwal in common ? A former in the name of Atik Jahauri. And the 62 Indonesian is about to go West when he joins the National Russian team from November and for a year at least.

According to the National Federation Website, Jahauri has visited the national team’s base at Ramenskoye, a town  near Moscow

“The first impression from the Russian athletes is very good,” Jauhari said. “I would single out their excellent physical attributes, their remarkable physical strength and a very good fighting spirit…. Russia has excellent potential to become one of the leading badminton powers.”

Raphaël Sachetat

About Raphaël Sachetat

Raphael is the Chief Editor of Badzine International. He is the founder of the website together with Jean François Chauveau. After many years writing for the BWF and many publications around the world about badminton, he now leads a team of young and dynamic writers for Badzine.